Nu ska jag och Linnea till sergel och kolla på BRÜNO!
Tonight it's the bloggnight with Linnea, I have big förväntningar on this kväll.
Förbered er for a new design on my blog, cya lataah alegataaa..... oh yeah, PEACE
Tonight it's the bloggnight with Linnea, I have big förväntningar on this kväll.
Förbered er for a new design on my blog, cya lataah alegataaa..... oh yeah, PEACE
Hemma hos Linnea igen, filmen får 5 av 5 blåbär
Michael Jackson
Det här klippet är bland det mest sorgligaste jag någonsin har sett..
Vila i frid
Till minne av Michael Jackson
Hold me
Like the river jordan
And I will then say to thee
You are my friend
Carry me
Like you are my brother
Love me like a mother
Will you be there?
Tell me will you hold me
When wrong, will you skold me
When lost will you find me?
But they told me
A man should be faithful
And walk when not able
And fight till the end
But Im only human
Everyones taking control of me
Seems that the worlds
Got a role for me
Im so confused
Will you show to me
Youll be there for me
And care enough to bear me
In our darkest hour
In my deepest despair
Will you still care?
Will you be there?
In my trials
And my tripulations
Through our doubts
And frustrations
In my violence
In my turbulence
Through my fear
And my confessions
In my anguish and my pain
Through my joy and my sorrow
In the promise of another tomorrow
Ill never let you part
For youre always in my heart
Hold me
Like the river jordan
And I will then say to thee
You are my friend
Carry me
Like you are my brother
Love me like a mother
Will you be there?
Tell me will you hold me
When wrong, will you skold me
When lost will you find me?
But they told me
A man should be faithful
And walk when not able
And fight till the end
But Im only human
Everyones taking control of me
Seems that the worlds
Got a role for me
Im so confused
Will you show to me
Youll be there for me
And care enough to bear me
In our darkest hour
In my deepest despair
Will you still care?
Will you be there?
In my trials
And my tripulations
Through our doubts
And frustrations
In my violence
In my turbulence
Through my fear
And my confessions
In my anguish and my pain
Through my joy and my sorrow
In the promise of another tomorrow
Ill never let you part
For youre always in my heart
Albin 8 år
Salad fingers
Haha, det var säkert tre år sedan jag såg den här, man har glömt hur kul den är!
Igår så var jag på bio med Linnea, Elias och Niclas och såg den nya filmen Knowing på sergel. Den sjukt negativa Elias börjar med att säga "jag har hört att den här ska va skitdålig" men icke sa nicke, den var grym! Den här ska jag lugnt se igen, och om man inte har sett den så ska man klart gå och se den. Den var både läskig och sorglig. Niclas hoppade til såhäääääääär många gånger, och inte bara under filmen utan under reklamen också, haha! Nice var det iallafall!
Beskrivning av filmen (av SF), trailer finns att se där också...
Beskrivning av filmen (av SF), trailer finns att se där också...
1958 gräver en skola ner en tidskapsel, som eleverna får fylla med sina teckningar. Alla utom en elev. Hon fyller sitt papper med en tillsynes slumpartad siffersekvens.
Femtio år senare öppnar en grupp elever tidskapseln och hittar flickans mystiska anteckningar. Det blir Caleb som tar hand om anteckningarna, men det är Calebs far, professor Ted Myles som ser igenom mönstret och anar ett kodat meddelande om en mängd större olyckor, datumen för deras händelser och deras dödssiffror. Dessvärre hittar professorn även vad som ser ut som datum i den nära framtiden. Men hur ska han kunna varna allmänheten? Om vem ska han varna? Vem kommer någonsin att tro honom?
Rose Byrne, Nicholas Cage, m.fl.
Darins fans tycker till!
Dom som inte tycker den här är rolig måste ha något slags hjärnfel. Den är lika rolig varje gång. "Den ena va stor, den andra va större men inte som den första!"
Pay attention
Jag har inte bölat såhär mycket på riktigt länge. Helt sjukt hur en video kan beröra så djupt. Alla bör se denna film och ha den i bakhuvudet när man kör.
Låten heter "My immortal".
Låten heter "My immortal".
bara så ni vet..
Killar som kan growla måste nog vara bland det sexigaste som finns.
*att growla kan översättas som stämbandssång. Många kallar det för bröl.
*att growla kan översättas som stämbandssång. Många kallar det för bröl.
You sexy thing
K u n g l i g l å t s ä g e r j a g b a r a !
Av: Hot Chocolate
Av: Hot Chocolate
Tilltugg och champagne
D e n ä r g a m m a l , m e n m a n t r ö t t n a r a l d r i g !
That's what friends are for
T i l l a l l a d o m s o m ä r v a k n a o c h i n t e h a r n å g o t
b ä t t r e f ö r s i g ;
That's what friends are for
by Dionne Warwick
b ä t t r e f ö r s i g ;
That's what friends are for
by Dionne Warwick
Why don't you love me
Världens finaste låt. Med världens finaste text.
Skit i videon och lyssna på låten. Man gråter typ!
Why am I lonely you're sitting right here
Why am I talking, it's like I'm talking to the air
What am I looking for that just isn't there
Why am I angry, how'd it get so bad
And why am I missing what we never really had
Why don't you love me the way I love you
Why don't you feel things as deep as I do
We've got a fundamental difference in matters of emotion
But I need to feel you need me like a river needs an ocean
Baby why don't you love me
Who am I kidding baby it wasn't meant to be
But you wanted a believer and I needed to believe
For every wall you built around you I learned a brand new way to climb
And if I could've been your angel I would've found a way to fly
Why don't you love me the way I love you
Why don't you feel things as deep as I do
We've got a fundamental difference in matters of emotion
But I need to feel you need me like a river needs an ocean
Baby why don't you love me
I don't understand you what's it take to make you cry
And if leaving you don't break you then baby what's it matter why
Why don't you love me the way I love you
Why don't you feel things as deep as I do
We've got a fundamental difference in matters of emotion
But I need to feel you need me like a river needs an ocean
Baby why don't you love me
By Amanda Marshall
Skit i videon och lyssna på låten. Man gråter typ!
Why am I lonely you're sitting right here
Why am I talking, it's like I'm talking to the air
What am I looking for that just isn't there
Why am I angry, how'd it get so bad
And why am I missing what we never really had
Why don't you love me the way I love you
Why don't you feel things as deep as I do
We've got a fundamental difference in matters of emotion
But I need to feel you need me like a river needs an ocean
Baby why don't you love me
Who am I kidding baby it wasn't meant to be
But you wanted a believer and I needed to believe
For every wall you built around you I learned a brand new way to climb
And if I could've been your angel I would've found a way to fly
Why don't you love me the way I love you
Why don't you feel things as deep as I do
We've got a fundamental difference in matters of emotion
But I need to feel you need me like a river needs an ocean
Baby why don't you love me
I don't understand you what's it take to make you cry
And if leaving you don't break you then baby what's it matter why
Why don't you love me the way I love you
Why don't you feel things as deep as I do
We've got a fundamental difference in matters of emotion
But I need to feel you need me like a river needs an ocean
Baby why don't you love me
By Amanda Marshall